
Surprise Tonight at Athens’ Agyra venue

In this play a variety theater loses its way… Theatromathia (a non-profit organization) dares once again to present a pioneering work. The play by Takis Chrioulis is nothing if not unconventional and presented at Athens’ Agyra venue from March 14 to April 18.

Unexpected drifts and inversions in a vaudeville show

The play is something between a subversive comedy and a satire. These elements maintained their classic form and appear with new dimensions through the contemporary angle provided in the show. A group of actors present a vaudeville performance through a series of unexpected drifts and inversions. The actors endeavour to stay calm and try to lead things along a natural course. But, they just slip. The deviation is so intense that the audience even doubts if the show is accidental or organized. The end inevitably brings surprise and shock. That’s why the actors kindly requested those who knew the end of the story to keep it to themselves.


  • Playwright & Director: Takis Chrisoulis
  • Costumes-sets: Michalis Sdougos
  • Cast: Aliki Katsavou, Natassa Kritikou, Helena Roumelioti, Zoe Sada, Julie Tsolka
  • Piano: Maro Chasioti

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