
Potatoes, Potatoes by Anita Lobel, An anti-war play for children

"Theatromathia" Educational Drama Institute and Agyra Publications presents a unique performance with an educational and cultural interest, a performance praising the value of peace and fraternization, based on the book of the prized Polish author and painter Anita Lobel, entitled "Potatoes, Potatoes". The performance takes place every Saturday noon.

The work is about a woman who had a field of potatoes and two sons. One day, one of her sons left and joined the army of the East. After a while, the other son left and joined the army of the West. The two brothers found themselves in opponent sides, but their wise mother manages to bring peace back to their land. It's a work full of messages, colours and intense emotions.
originally uploaded by theatromathia.

Performance ID

Text-lyrics: Takis Chryssoulis
Direction-sets-costumes: Melina Papanestoros
Music: Anastassia Papadimitriou
Instrumentation: Yorgos Konstantinidis
Choreographies: Julie Tsolka & Aliki Katsavou
Cast: Dimitra Konstantinopoulou, Elena Roumelioti, Dimitra Yannakopoulou, Evgenia Moraki

Place: Agyra (124 Solonos & Emm. Benaki St)
From: 13/10/2007 to 20/06/2008
Every Saturday: 12:30
Tickets: Children € 14,50 (purchase of the book)/ Escorts: € 10,00

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