
The Quiltmaker's Gift at the Polyxoros of Agyra Publications

The awarded fairy tale "The Quiltmaker's Gift" inspired Takis Chryssoulis to make the theatre adaptation of this performance presented every Saturday morning from November 20, 2004, to March 19, at the Multi-Purpose Centre of Agyra Publications, in Athens' Solonos Street.This co-production of Agyra Publications and the Educational Drama Institute of Greece "Theatromathia" is realised in the context of a wider program of theatre adaptations, under the general title: "Children learn about theatre."

The story is about a wise and generous quiltmaker, who has magic in her fingers and love for humanity in her heart. she sews the most beautiful quilts in the world and gives each one away for free to people in need. A greedy king, his castle overflowing with riches and treasures, never smiles and yearns for the one thing that will bring him laughter and happiness. As the story unfolds, the reader watches the king as he learns the most valuable lesson of his life.

In the play the "The Quiltmaker's Gift" three actrors, under the guidance of Takis Chryssoulis, take us to the magic world of a modern fairy tale that speaks about the joy of offering.
Through this theatre performance it is attempted to stimulate children's creative imagination showing them at the same time the lesson that exists within every myth. Instead of a ticket in hand, children get the book itself, and thus they keep this experience in their library for ever.
The awarded fairy tale "The Quiltmaker's Gift" is presented for the first time to the Greek public in a theatre form.

The ID of the performance
Text-director: Takis Chryssoulis
Music: Anastasia Papadimitriou
Cast: Μelina Papanestoros, Aliki Katsavou, Yorgos Gatsios

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